Log into your account to update your card info, name, phone number, or email address using this link!

This link can also be found at the bottom of any emailed receipt you’ve received from us titled “Manage Plan”

Enter the email address your account was created with, and an email will be sent to you to log in. If you do not see the automated message in your inbox, please check your spam folder.

If you would like to pause pickups for any amount of time, please let us know via phone or email. This in not an option for customers to do on their own. If you would like to change the frequency of pickups, or add / remove cleaning, please reach out to us directly so we can assist you.

Please note that all former Some Dude’s or Roots Compost customers cannot use this link to log into their accounts. If you are one of these customers and any changes need to be made, please call us at
(802) 373-1707. We are in the office Monday-Friday from 8am-3pm, and are happy to help with anything you need!